Monday, June 9, 2008

Lempicka Self Portrait in Green Bugatti painting

Lempicka Self Portrait in Green Bugatti painting
Knight The Honeymoon Breakfast painting
Ay, for the state, not for Antonio.
Nay, take my life and all; pardon not that:You take my house when you do take the propThat doth sustain my house; you take my lifeWhen you do take the means whereby I live.
What mercy can you render him, Antonio?
A halter gratis; nothing else, for God's sake.
So please my lord the duke and all the courtTo quit the fine for one half of his goods,I am content; so he will let me haveThe other half in use, to render it,Upon his death, unto the gentlemanThat lately stole his daughter:Two things provided more, that, for this favour,He presently become a Christian;The other, that he do record a gift,Here in the court, of all he dies possess'd,Unto his son Lorenzo and his daughter.
He shall do this, or else I do recantThe pardon that I late pronounced here.
Art thou contented, Jew? what dost thou say?

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