Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Peter Paul Rubens paintings

Peter Paul Rubens paintings
Rudolf Ernst paintings
Road have a willow-ware platter and she thinks it's exactly like the one we had at the supper. She says they'll likely sell it, for Martha Copp has never been known to keep anything she could sell; but if they won't there's a platter at Wesley Keyson's at Spencervale and she knows they'd sell it, but she isn't sure it's just the same kind as Aunt Josephine's."
"I'll go right over to Spencervale after it tomorrow," said Anne resolutely, "and you must come with me. It will be such a weight off my mind, for I have to go to town day after tomorrow and how can I face your Aunt Josephine without a willow-ware platter? It would be even worse than the time I had to confess about jumping on the spare room bed."
Both girls laughed over the old memory. . .concerning which, if any of my readers are ignorant and curious, I must refer them to Anne's earlier history.

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