Thursday, September 11, 2008

Joseph Mallord William Turner Rainbow

Joseph Mallord William Turner RainbowFishermen at SeaJohn Singer Sargent Venetian Canal
Rank as was his reek, even in my tolerant nostrils, I asked his pardon with as much humility as was compatible with dignity.
"As you know, Dr. Bray," I said, "I used to believe you were a flunkèd impostor. I don't think you're flunkèd any longer."
"But I may yet be an impostor?" he inquired, I think lightly. "No matter. Is it true you no longer regard yourself as a Grand Tutor? You could make a public statement to that effect, you know, and not go through the Belly. I say this purely from concern for your safety; I have no grudge against you."
I believed him. For one thing, he had no further cause to regard me as a rival, either to his office or to Anastasia's favors, which I would not seek. But some lingering pride forbade me to do quite as he suggested. He might not be what he claimed to be, I told him, but he was not simply an impostor, as I'd formerly maintained; there was something more

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Joseph Mallord William Turner Rainbow