Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Salvador Dali Enchanted Beach with Three Fluid Graces painting

Salvador Dali Enchanted Beach with Three Fluid Graces paintingJuarez Machado Tango Room paintingJuarez Machado Tango Over The Piano painting
sermonic: the vocabularies of power. _But you bastard you rummage in my drawers and laugh at my stupid poems. The real language problem: how to bend it shape it, how to let it be our freedom, how to repossess its poisoned wells, how to master the river of words of time of blood: about all that you haven't got a clue_. How hard that struggle, how inevitable the defeat. _Nobody's going to elect me to anything. No power-base, no constituency: just the battle with the words_. But he, Jumpy, also had to admit that his envy of Hanif was as much as anything rooted in the other's greater control of the languages of desire. Mishal Sufyan was quite something, an elongated, tubular beauty, but he wouldn't have known how, even if he'd thought of, he'd never have dared. Language is courage: the ability to conceive a thought, to speak it, and by doing so to make it true.
When Pamela Chamcha answered the door he found that her

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