Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Claude Monet Haystack At Giverny

Claude Monet Haystack At GivernyClaude Monet Monet Water Lillies IDaniel Ridgway Knight On the Way to MarketDaniel Ridgway Knight Shepherdess and her FlockDaniel Ridgway Knight Hailing the Ferry
brought some wire with me, you see, and all you need do is break two bits off, twiddle them into your sideburns, then loop them over your ears rather clumsily like this,’ he demonstrated, ‘and there you are.’
The Chair stared.
‘Uncanny,’ he said, at last. ‘It’s true! You look just like someone wearing a very badly‑made false beard.’
‘Amazing, isn’t it?’ said the Lecturer happily, passing out the wire. ‘It’s headology, you know.’
There were ‘Wassat? What’s everyone doing?’ said Poons, suddenly waking up.
‘We’re going to play solid burghers,’ said the Dean.
‘That’s a good game,’ said Poons.

‘Can you hear me, old chap?’
The Bursar opened his eyes.a few minutes of busy twanging and the occasional whimper as a wizard punctured himself with wire, but eventually they were ready. They looked shyly at one another.‘If we got a pillow case without a pillow in it and shoved it down inside the Chair’s robe so the top was showing, he’d look just like a thin man making himself tremendously fat with a huge pillow,’ said one of them enthusiastically. He caught the Chair’s eye, and went quiet.A couple of wizards grasped the handles of Poons’ terrible wheelchair and started it rumbling over the damp cobbles.
The University sanitarium wasn’t very big, and was seldom used. Wizards

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