Monday, April 27, 2009

Edward Hopper Excursion into Philosophy

Edward Hopper Excursion into PhilosophyEdward Hopper Drug StoreEdward Hopper Conference at Night
can you be so sure?'
'The guards on the roofs in Filigree Street say no-one came in or went out, sir.'
And who's watching them?'
'They're watching one another, sir.'
'Very well. Listen carefully. I want the mess cleaned up. If anyone needs to go outside the building, I want everyone watched. And then how I've always told you how observation is important?'
'Yes, captain. I have always paid careful attention to your remarks on the subject.'
'So what did you observe?'
'Someone'd smashed a mirror. Everyone knows Assassins likethe Guild is going to be searched from top to bottom, do you understand?''What for, doctor?' said a junior lecturer in poisons.'For . . . anything that is hidden. If you find anything and you don't know what it is, send for a council member immediately. And don't touch it.''But doctor, all sorts of things are hidden—''This will be different, do you understand?''No, sir.''Good. And no-one is to speak to the wretched Watch about this. You, boy . . . bring me my hat.' Dr Cruces sighed. 'I suppose I shall have to go and tell the Patrician.''Hard luck, sir.' The captain didn't say anything until they were crossing the Brass Bridge.'Now then, Corporal Carrot,' he said, 'you know

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